Untitled [Black Grass] | acrylic silkscreen on Versatex | 39 X 45 inches
Untitled [Yellow and Cyan] | acrylic silkscreen on Versatex | 30 X 45 inches
Exit Strategy | oil on curved aluminum | 36 X 24 inches
Anker Blocks 1 | sharpie on paper | 12 X 18 inches
Anker Blocks 2 | sharpie on paper | 12 X 18 inches
FTX | oil on curved aluminum | 36 X 24 inches
Broken Glass Sim | acrylic silkscreen on Versatex and acrylic | 32 X 30 inches
Furniture Nest 1 | oil on curved aluminum | 48 X 36 inches
Furniture Nest 2 | oil on curved aluminum | 48 X 36 inches
Untitled [K Grass] | acrylic silkscreen on lexan on artist mount | 41.5 X 60 inches
Untitled [CM] | acrylic silkscreen on acrylic | 34 X 48 inches
Untitled [ocean] | cyanotype on linen | 91 X 30 inches
Untitled [Terrain 2] | cyanotype on linen| 60 X 40 inches on curved stretcher
Untitled [Cyan Grass] | acrylic silkscreen on Versatex | 41.5 X 60 inches
Untitled [EXR] | acrylic silkscreen on Versatex | 40 X 60 inches
Untitled [C] | acrylic silkscreen on Versatex| approx 18 X 40 inches
Untitled: Easy Jet | acrylic on Versatex | 48 X 36 inches
Untitled | ink on plywood inlaid in Versatex, acrylic screenprint | 30 X 24 inches
Untitled | acrylic on Versatex inlaid in plywood | 48 X 36 inches
Untitled | ink on plywood, resin inlaid in Versatex | each 22.75 X 22.75 inches
evac 2 | resin inlayed in waferboard w/artist frame | 47 X 24 inches
evac | resin inlayed in vinyl | 48 X 24 inches
Braniff 2 | oil on aluminum | 36 X 24 inches
Corrugation | oil on aluminum w/artist frame| 37 X 25 inches
Untitled [Fluid sim] | cyanotype on dyed linen| 30 X 24 inches
Untitled [Fluid sim] | cyanotype on linen| 48 X 36 inches
Untitled [red-cyan anaglyph] | inkjet on linen | 48 X 36 inches
Fastnet Installed at Freshkills Park for plein-air landscape workshops. More INFO.
Plein-Air drawing class at Freshkills Staten Island. More INFO
Untitled [Fluid sim] | ink on mirror | 25 X 19 inches
Ocean_Black | ink and cyanotype on linen | 44 X 34 inches
For your safety | oil on aluminum | 36 X 24 inches
La MaMa Galleria: Space Time with Matt Alie
La MaMa Galleria: Space Time with Matt Alie INSTALL IMAGES
Untitled [ocean] | cyanotype on linen | 48 X 36 inches
Untitled [wave 1] | cyanotype on linen | 64 X 44 inches
Fastnet at Mana Contemporary, NJ [Fall 2017]
Container Container | Ikebana Flower show curated by Sean Ward
Merger | sharpie on vinyl | 20 X 50 inches
Porto Tiles 1 | inkjet on plexi mirror | 25 X 19 inches
Untitled [Anaglyph] | inkjet on mirror, artist frame | 37 X 49 inches
Untitled | inkjet on mirror, artist frame | 37 X 49 inches
Untitled | inkjet and oil on plexi mirror | 50 X 35 inches
Untitled | inkjet on plexi | 36 X 36 inches Fastnet, NY
/ | emergency rip-stop | 72 X 12 inches
Untitled prototype | emergency ripstop and wood | 69 X 24 X 22 inches
Bow 2 | inkjet on parachute silk and spinnaker ripstop | 48 X 48 inches
[] | oil on canvas | 48 X 48 inches LA Piscina, LA